Thursday, February 19, 2009

giggleBites: A Mole Too Small

Many of us have got moles on our body. A few moles may show up on our face. Don't like where they are and how they look? Andy has got one, too. He is a bit worry about how people would think of him. Well... Why don't we get some advice from Kerry and see what she would say? Hopefully, she'll make all of us feel good.

Like the cartoon? Get a giggleBite from Cartoosh Gallery today!

(Click to see the full sized giggleBites cartoon!)


  1. Nice job! There must have been many artists in high tech industry from the demands of expectations (self and others, like family). If we were born in another time, we probably would have allowed ourslves to pursue our dreams.

    Go, boy, go after your rainbow! It is out there.

  2. Thank you, Bonnie. I'm a fan of yours looking forward to reading more on your blog (
